Monday, September 16, 2019

Remove it immediately , 24 applications contaminated with "Joker"

A day goes by and discovers many apps that have found their way to the Google Play app store carrying malwares that harms users.

The code bears the name of the Joker but it is malicious and evil

This time, the malware, which has been detected in about 24 applications, is called Joker, according to Alexis Kobrins, a security researcher at CSIS.

The software is specifically designed to secretly enroll users for paid subscription services, something they may not notice they have done unless they are following their monthly credit card statement.

“For example, in Denmark, a joker can secretly register a victim for 50 DKK per week (about € 6.71),” says Kobrens. And then wait for the SMS message with the confirmation code and extract that code using regular expressions. Finally, the Joker provides the extracted code for the offer web page for the premium subscription license. ”

Although Google removed these malicious applications from its PlayStore store, it managed to achieve more than 472 thousand downloads before it was discovered.

If you have any of these apps installed on your Android phone or tablet - or worse, you're already using them - it's time to delete them as quickly as possible.

These applications are:

Advocate Wallpaper
Age Face
Altar Message
Antivirus Security - Security Scan
Beach Camera
Board picture editing
Certain Wallpaper
climate SMS
Collate Face Scanner
Cure Camera
Dazzle Wallpaper
Declare Message
Display Camera
Great VPN
Humor Camera
Ignite Clean
Leaf Face Scanner
Mini Camera
Print Plant scan
Rapid Face Scanner
Reward Clean
Ruddy SMS
Soby Camera
Spark Wallpaper

If you use any of the above apps, it is a good idea to check your Google Play account for any unexpected subscriptions, although you may find nothing there, so check your credit card or bank statement starting June this year, the month The Joker software started its latest subscription automation.

Live Hacker, a tech news site, also advises you to notify your contacts if a previous application is found on your device, because Joker can steal all of your contacts and upload them to the control server.

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